
Volunteer at our Celebration Service

Church Goes beyond our 4 Walls

We believe church goes beyond our 4 walls. So we have divided what we do into 3 main veins: Celebration, Compassion, and Community.


Compassion is our outreach, we have various missions trips through out the year with which we partner with an orgaization called O2 Network based out of Denton, Texas.


Community is just that. We have community groups that meet throughout the week in homes and some on campus that get together and just do life together. Groups are based on geographic location but some specials request may be accommodated.


Celebration is when we come together! This is our Sunday morning time together. This is the biggest area to serve at the moment. We have different areas such as media, greeters, coffee bar, ushers or kids ministry. Upon interest in a certain group our leader over that group will teach you how we at The Abbey like to do things.

Serve Now

If you are interested in serving at the Abbey please email and someone will be in contact with you.